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Type: Article
Published: 2020-01-03
Page range: 47–56
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Taxonomic notes on Amaurobius (Araneae: Amaurobiidae), including the description of a new species

Institute for Biological Problems of the North RAS, Portovaya Str. 18, Magadan, Russia. Department of Zoology & Entomology, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein 9300, South Africa
GutsMuthsstr. 42, 04177 Leipzig, Germany.
Institute of Entomology, Agricultural University of Georgia, Agmashenebeli Alley 13 km, 0159 Tbilisi, Georgia Invertebrate Research Center, Tetrtsklebi, Telavi municipality 2200, Georgia
Araneae Aranei Asia Caucasus Georgia Kakheti misplaced new synonym nomen dubium redescription


A new species, Amaurobius caucasicus sp. n., is described based on the holotype male and two male paratypes from Eastern Georgia. A similar species, A. hercegovinensis Kulczyński, 1915, known only from the original description is redescribed. The taxonomic status of Amaurobius species considered as nomina dubia and species described outside the Holarctic are also assessed. Amaurobius koponeni Marusik, Ballarin & Omelko, 2012, syn. n. described from northern India is a junior synonym of A. jugorum L. Koch, 1868 and Amaurobius yanoianus Nakatsudi, 1943, syn. n. described from Micronesia is synonymised with the titanoecid species Pandava laminata (Thorell, 1878) a species known from Eastern Africa to Polynesia. Considerable size variation in A. antipovae Marusik et Kovblyuk, 2004 is briefly discussed.



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