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Type: Monograph
Published: 2002-12-16
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The Beetle Family Carabidae of Costa Rica: Twenty-nine new species of Agra Fabricius 1801 (Coleoptera: Carabidae, Lebiini, Agrina)

Megadiversity Group, Entomology Section, Department of Systematic Biology, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC 20560, USA
Coleoptera Costa Rica Beetles Carabidae Agra new species synonyms geographical distribution


Based on a study of 1,100 specimens of the genus Agra (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Lebiini: Agrina) from Costa Rica, twenty-nine new species were discovered and are here validated and described: A. catie, n. sp. (type locality: Limón, Tortuguero National Park, Estacíon Cuatro Esquinas, sea level, LN 280000,590500); A. catbellae, n. sp. (type locality: Cartago, Turrialba, 600m, 09º53'N 083º38'W); A. dable, n. sp. (type locality: Heredia, Estacíon Magsasay, Parque Nacional Braulio Carrillo, 200m, LN 264600,531100); A. delgadoi, n. sp. (type locality: Cartago, Turrialba, CATIE, 600m, 09º53'N 083º38'W); A. fugax, n. sp. (type locality: Heredia, Estacíon La Selva, 10º27'N 083º59'W; A. giesberti, n. sp. (type locality: Cartago, 15km NE Turrialba, 10º00'N 083º30'W); A. granodeoro, n. sp. (type locality: Cartago, Turrialba, Chirripo, Grano de Oro, 1120m, LN 200250,595900); A. ichabod, n. sp. (type locality: Alajuela, Atenas, 9º58'N 084º23'W); A. jimwappes, n. sp. (type locality: Guanacaste, La Pacifica, 10º28'N 085º07'W); A. julie, n. sp. (type locality: Cartago, Turrialba, 600m, 09º53'N 083º38'W); A. katewinsletae, n. sp. (type locality: Puntarenas, Monteverde, 1380m, 10º50'N 085º37'W); A. liv, n. sp. (type locality: Puntarenas, Manual Antonio National Park, Quepos, 80m, 09°23'N 84°09'W); A. monteverde, n. sp. (type locality: Puntarenas, Monteverde, 1380m, 10º50'N 085º37'W); A. not, n. sp. (type locality: Puntarenas, Carara Biological Reserve, Estacíon Bonita, 50m, LN 194500,469850); A. notcatie, n. sp. (type locality: Limón, Tortuguero National Park, Estacíon Cuatro Esquinas, sea level, LN 280000,590500, November (R. Delgado)(INBio: CRI000-298655); A. pitilla, n. sp. (type locality: Guanacaste, Guanacaste National Park, Estacíon Pitilla, 9 km S Santa Cecilia, 700m, LN 330200,380200); A. phallica, n. sp. (type locality: Cartago, Tucurrique, 09º51'N 083º43'W); A. quesada, n. sp. (type locality: Limón, Manzanillo, RNFS Gandoca y Manzanillo, 0-10 sea level, LS 398100,610600); A. santarosa, n. sp. (type locality: Guanacaste, Santa Rosa National Park, 280m, 10º50'N 085º37'W); A. schwarzeneggeri, n. sp. (type locality: Cartago, Turrialba, 650m, 09º53'N 083º38'W); A. sirena, n. sp. (type locality: Heredia, Estacíon La Selva, 10º27'N 083º59'W); A. solanoi, n. sp. (type locality: ); A. solisi, n. sp. (type locality: Limón, Tortuguero National Park, Cerro Tortuguero, 119m, LN 285000,588000); A. turrialba, n. sp. (type locality: Cartago, Turrialba, 600m, 09º53'N 083º38'W);A. ubicki, n. sp. (type locality: Puntarenas, 3 km NE Golfito, 8º39'N 083º10'W); A. winnie, n. sp. (type locality: Guanacaste, Guanacaste National Park, Estacíon Santa Rosa, 800m, LN 313000,359800); A. zumbado, n. sp. (type locality: Guanacaste, Guanacaste National Park, Estacíon Patilla, 9 km S Santa Cecilia, 700m, LN 330200,380200); A. zuniga, n. sp. (type locality: Puntarenas, Manual Antonio National Park, Quepos, 80m, LS 370900,448800). Six additional species are recorded for the first time in Costa Rica: Agra castaneipes Bates, A. campana Erwin, A. fortuna Erwin, A. guatemalena Csiki, A. incisa Liebke, and A. rufiventris Bates. The presence of a Panamanian species, A. championi Bates, in Costa Rica, as noted by Max Liebke has been confirmed (Agra danjanzeni Erwin = A. championi Bates, new synonymy). Also included: Neotype designation for Agra pia Liebke 1940 and apparent rediscovery of this species in Costa Rica; Agra aurifera Liebke 1940 description translated from the German and reproduced here with comments.


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