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Type: Article
Published: 2020-02-07
Page range: 414–424
Abstract views: 147
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Review of Notacanthella Jacobus & McCafferty, 2008 (Ephemeroptera: Ephemerellidae) in Thailand, with the redescription of Notacanthella commodema (Allen, 1971)

Animal Systematics and Ecology Speciality Research Unit (ASESRU), Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, Kasetsart University, Bangkok 10900, Thailand.
Museum of Zoology, Palais de Rumine, Place Riponne 6, CH-1005 Lausanne, Switzerland Department of Ecology and Evolution, Lausanne University, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
Animal Systematics and Ecology Speciality Research Unit (ASESRU), Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, Kasetsart University, Bangkok 10900, Thailand.
Ephemeroptera Chiang Mai Chorionic structure Ephemerellidae Notacanthella commodema Notacanthella quadrata


Larvae of the Notacanthella Jacobus & McCafferty, 2008 species N. commodema (Allen, 1971) and N. quadrata (Kluge & Zhou, 2004) from Thailand are compared and redescribed. Both species have serrations on maxillary canines, as does N. perculta (Allen, 1971) from Vietnam, and this contributes to synonymizing the subgenus Samiocca Jacobus & McCafferty, 2008 under Notacanthella s.s. (= Samiocca n. syn.). The Thailand species can be differentiated by the numbers of thoracic and abdominal tubercles. In addition, the chorionic structure of N. quadrata is investigated for the first time by scanning electron microscopic technique.



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