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Type: Article
Published: 2020-02-12
Page range: 201–257
Abstract views: 226
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New species of Ilanga (Gastropoda: Trochoidea: Solariellidae) from the Indo-West Pacific

Scientific Collaborator, Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris, France. Rue de Hermalle, 113, B-4680 Oupeye, Belgium.
Department of Life Sciences, Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD, United Kingdom.
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda conchological museum species description Ilanga phylogeny


In this study we list and figure a total of 22 species assigned to the genus Ilanga Herbert, 1987 that were collected during recent Paris Museum expeditions, of which 16 are new and described here (listed in the order they appear in the text): Ilanga herberti n. sp., I. euryomphalos n. sp., I. polygramma n. sp., I. stephanophora n. sp., I. harrytaylori n. sp., I. eurystoma n. sp., I. oxeia n. sp., I. cosmia n. sp., I. corrineae n. sp., I. comes n. sp., I. dongshaensis n. sp., I. philia n. sp., I. helicoides n. sp., I. lauensis n. sp., I. mesembrine n. sp. and I. boreia n. sp.. These species occur throughout the Indo-West Pacific, extending the known range of this genus beyond the south west Indian Ocean. We also synonymise Microgaza fulgens Dall, 1907 and Microgaza konos Vilvens, 2009 (syn. nov.) (as I. fulgens). New combinations include Ilanga fulgens and I. navakaensis.



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