Amystax urara Kojima and Yôro, sp. nov. is described from the mountainous area of the Yakushima World Natural Heritage island, Kyushu, southwestern Japan. Adult weevils were captured on leaves of Pieris japonica var. yakushimensis and Buxus microphylla var. japonica (Ericaceae and Buxaceae, respectively). This is the second species of this genus known from the island.
Nakamura, T. & Morimoto, K. (2015) Tribe Tanymecini. In: Morimoto, K., Nakamura, T. & Kannô, K. (Eds.), The Insects of Japan. 4. Curculionoidea: Entiminae. Part 2. Coleoptera. Touka Shobo, Fukuoka, pp. 510–556 + 699–712. [in English & Japanese]
Yakushima, T. (2018) Welcome to Yakushima & Kuchinoerabujima. –All the information you need to know about Yakushima & Kuchinoerabujima. Yakushima Town Office, Miyanoura, 29 pp. [in English]