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Type: Article
Published: 2020-02-25
Page range: 200–216
Abstract views: 151
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A review of the pleasing lacewing genus Dilar Rambur (Neuroptera, Dilaridae) from South Asia

Department of Entomology, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China.
Institute of Specific Prophylaxis and Tropical Medicine, Medical Parasitology, Medical University of Vienna, Kinderspitalgasse 15, A-1090 Vienna, Austria.
Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, Zweite Zoologische Abteilung, Burgring 7, A-1010 Vienna, Austria. Department of Integrative Zoology, University of Vienna, Althanstraße 14, A-1090 Vienna, Austria.
Department of Entomology, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China.
Neuroptera Neuropterida taxonomy new species Oriental region


The pleasing lacewing genus Dilar Rambur, 1838, is poorly known from South Asia, previously only three species were accounted. Here, we present a revision of Dilar from South Asia, with descriptions of five new species, namely Dilar austroindicus sp. nov., Dilar biprojectus sp. nov., Dilar clavatus sp. nov., Dilar miralobatus sp. nov., and Dilar truncatus sp. nov. In addition, Dilar nietneri Hagen, 1858, from Sri Lanka is re-described. A key to males of Dilar from South Asia is provided.



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