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Type: Article
Published: 2020-03-10
Page range: 49–66
Abstract views: 184
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New species of Silhouettea (Teleostei: Gobiidae) from Qeshm Island, Iran and the DNA barcoding of the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea gobies

Natural History Museum Rijeka, Lorenzov prolaz 1, HR–51000 Rijeka, Croatia.
Ichthyology and Molecular Systematics Research Laboratory, Zoology Section, Department of Biology, College of Sciences, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran
Ichthyology and Molecular Systematics Research Laboratory, Zoology Section, Department of Biology, College of Sciences, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Palaeontology and Geobiology & GeoBio-Center LMU, Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich, Germany
Pisces Gobioidei systematics morphology COI barcode region Indo-Pacific


Silhouettea ghazalae sp. nov. is described from Qeshm Island, Persian Gulf. Silhouettea ghazalae sp. nov. is distinguished from congeners by having: small mental fold present on chin, head length 31.4–32.4% of standard length, head width 24.5% of standard length, second dorsal fin I/11, anal fin I/13, breast with large cycloid scales, predorsal area naked, suborbital row b anteriorly beginning below anterior edge of pupil, posteriorly ending below pore β, suborbital row c anteriorly extending more than row b and posteriorly extending less than row b, suborbital row cp oblique with four papillae, body with four ill-defined midlateral blotches and the fifth a triangular mark on the caudal fin base, no clearly defined pale saddles on back, and the first dorsal fin pigmented with dots and with dark blotch present anteriorly. A key to Silhouettea species is provided. A dataset including novel and publicly available mtDNA COI sequences of 12 species from the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea gobies belonging to eight genera have been assembled in order to provide a reference dataset for DNA barcoding studies. The new species is further characterised by a minimum K2P distance of 21% to its closest relatives in our dataset, Cabillus tongarevae in the mtDNA COI barcode region.



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