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Type: Article
Published: 2020-03-20
Page range: 77–90
Abstract views: 119
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Biodiversity of the aculeate wasps (Hymenoptera: Aculeata) of the Arabian Peninsula: Apoidea (Spheciformes), Sphecidae (sensu stricto)

Entomology Department, Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt.
Hymenoptera Ammophilinae Chloriontinae Sceliphrinae Sphecinae distribution


An updated checklist of the Arabian species of Sphecidae is provided here. The list includes 70 identified valid species in 10 genera and four subfamilies: Ammophilinae (4 genera, 35 species), Chloriontinae (1 genus, 6 species), Sceliphrinae (2 genera, 8 species) and Sphecinae (3 genera, 21 species). Distributions, both on the Peninsula and extra-limital, are provided for each species and subspecies; four species (6%) are endemic to the Arabian Peninsula.



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