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Type: Article
Published: 2007-09-28
Page range: 13–40
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Suborders Apseudomorpha Sieg, 1980 and Neotanaidomorpha Sieg, 1980*

The Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD, United Kingdom
Apseudomorpha Japan deep-sea Neotanaidomorpha Fageapseudes Carpoapseudes Neotanais


The tanaidacean material from the Kurile-Kamchatka Trench and Japan Trench included four apseudomorphan species and two new neotanaidomorphan species of the genus Neotanais. The apseudomorphs comprised a new species of Fageapseudes, herein moved to the subfamily Leviapseudinae, and three species of Carpoapseudes, two newly described here, the third too damaged to attribute to a species. Fageapsuedes brachyomos n.sp. is characterized by a second pereonite wider than long; Carpoapseudes spinigena n.sp. is the second species of the genus to show lateral spiniform apophyses on the cephalon anterior to the branchial chambers; C. varindex n.sp. has a unique combination of elongate triangular rostrum with only slight basal shoulders, a ten-articled antennular flagellum, an “auricular” expansion on the proximo-ventral margin of the male cheliped propodus and a distal constriction on the male cheliped dactylus. Neotanais oyashio n.sp. is close to N. barfoedi, but is distinct in its pleotelson morphology, its pleopod setation and the shape of the male cheliped carpus, inter alia. Neotanais kuroshio n.sp. has a unique combination of only five dorsal setae on the cheliped carpus, a cheliped dactylus longer than the fixed finger, no ventral pleonite spurs, and a uropod exopod only half the length of the proximal endopod segment.


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