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Type: Article
Published: 2020-03-25
Page range: 553–560
Abstract views: 152
PDF downloaded: 10

A new genus and species of the tribe Oemini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Cerambycinae) from the Sundaic region, Southeastern Asia

Bioindicator Co., Ltd., Nikkô-Kagurazaka Building, Iwato-chô 18, Shinjuku, Tokyo, 162‒0832 Japan.
c/ Sant Antoni, 73, 08221 Terrassa (Barcelona), Spain.
10531 Goldfield Lane, Houston, TX 77064 USA.
Coleoptera Longhorned beetle Oemina taxonomy Sumatra Borneo Malay Peninsula


A new genus and species of the subtribe Oemina of the tribe Oemini (Cerambycidae: Cerambycinae) is described from the Sundaic region, Southeastern Asia. Relationships with other oemine genera are discussed.



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