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Type: Article
Published: 2007-09-28
Page range: 87–99
Abstract views: 104
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Family Pseudotanaidae Sieg, 1976*

Department of Coastal Sciences, University of Southern Mississippi, Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, P.O. Box 7000 (703 East Beach Dr.), Ocean Springs, MS 39564. U.S.A.
Tanaidomorpha Japan deep-sea Cryptocopoides Pseudotanais Kurile-Kamchatka Trench Japan Trench


Two new species from the family Pseudotanaidae were discovered in material collected in the Kurile-Kamchatka Trench and Japan Trench and are described herein. Cryptocopoides pacificus, n.sp., of the subfamily Cryptocopinae, is the second species known from the genus heretofore represented only by C. articus, a species originating from North Atlantic waters but also reported elsewhere, from which it can be distinguished primarily by differences in body and appendage setation. Pseudotanais nipponicus, n.sp. is very similar to the North Atlantic species, P. longispinus, but can be distinguished by differences in setation of the mandible pars molaris, setation of the merus and carpus of the first pereopod, and also by having a shorter cephalothorax. A third apparently new species of Pseudotanais with forcipate chela was represented by only two specimens and remains undescribed.


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