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Type: Article
Published: 2020-03-30
Page range: 360–368
Abstract views: 163
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Two new species of the spider genus Pholcus Walckenaer, 1805 (Araneae: Pholcidae) from Guizhou and Guangxi, China

College of Life Science, Shenyang Normal University, Shenyang 110034, Liaoning, China
College of Life Science, Shenyang Normal University, Shenyang 110034, Liaoning, China
College of Life Science, Shenyang Normal University, Shenyang 110034, Liaoning, China
Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
Araneae taxonomy morphology biodiversity pholcid Pholcinae


The genus Pholcus Walckenaer, 1805 is composed of 21 species-groups and the P. yichengicus species-group contains 35 species from central and southern China, and Thailand. In this study, two new species of the P. yichengicus species-group are described from southern China: Pholcus jingnan Yao & Li sp. nov. (Guizhou, male and female) and Pholcus longlin Yao & Li sp. nov. (Guangxi, male and female).



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