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Type: Article
Published: 2020-03-31
Page range: 581–588
Abstract views: 119
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Larval morphology of the water mite Hygrobates prosiliensis Koenike, 1915 (Acari, Hydrachnidia, Hygrobatidae)

Papanin Institute for Biology of Inland waters of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Borok, Yaroslavl Province, 152742 Russia.
Acari water mites Hygrobatidae Hygrobates prosiliensis larva morphology Russia


The first description of the larval stage of the water mite Hygrobates prosiliens Koenike, 1915 is given, based on larvae reared from populations in European Russia. The results are discussed in comparison with previously published data on larval morphology in the Hygrobates longipalpis group. While the description of larvae given by Wainstein (1980) for H. longipalpis (Hermann, 1804) could in fact refer to that species, a population described by Van Hezewijk & Davids (1985) under the same name probably represents H. prosiliens. Larvae described under this name from Ameriсa by Prasad & Cook (1972) represent a further, probably still undescribed species.



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