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Type: Article
Published: 2020-04-02
Page range: 223–236
Abstract views: 126
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Plecoptera larvae of China: larval descriptions of two stonefly species (Capniidae, Nemouridae) from Jiangsu Province

School of Grain Science and Technology, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, Zhenjiang 212004, China.
Plecoptera Larvae Capnia zijinshana Nemoura nankinensis China


Larvae of Capnia zijinshana Du & Chen, 2016 (Capniidae) and Nemoura nankinensis Wu, 1926 (Nemouridae) are described and illustrated based on recently collected specimens collected from Jiangsu Province of southeastern China. These are the first larval descriptions in the family Capniidae and the genus Nemoura Latrielle, 1796 from China. Larval morphology of C. zijinshana is similar to the adults. Larvae of N. nankinensis are consistent with the generic larval definition of previous literature.



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