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Type: Article
Published: 2007-09-26
Page range: 43–52
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A new genus and species of Enidae (Gastopoda: Pulmonata) from the Quaternary of the Balearic Islands (Western Mediterranean)

Laboratory of Human Systematics, University of the Balearic Islands, 07071 Palma de Mallorca, Illes Balears, Spain
Mollusca land snail Mediterranean islands Balearena gymnesica fossil geometric morphometrics vicariance extinction


Balearena gymnesica gen. nov., spec. nov., is described from late Upper Pleistocene shore sediments in Mallorca, Balearic Islands, Spain. The new species may be closely related to enids living in the eastern Mediterranean, North-west Africa, and Macaronesia, but geometric morphometrics shows it differs in having a distinctly slender shape; it also differs in the embryonic whorls with a deep suture and a sculpture consisting of shallow collabral grooves on top and delicate incised spiral lines laterally, a teleoconch sculpture formed only by low, simple, irregular collabral wrinkles, and the aperture with a low columellar fold and a blunt angular tooth. Such affinities point to a vicariant origin for Balearena in the formation of the Mediterranean during the Miocene. This species, or closely related forms, are widespread in terrigenous Upper Pleistocene sites in the northern Balearics, but have never been found alive. Its extinction predated the arrival of humans, and may have been coeval with a mass extinction in the southern Balearics putatively caused by a submarine volcanic explosion in the Valencia Trough.


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