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Type: Article
Published: 2020-04-08
Page range: 73–84
Abstract views: 172
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A remarkable new lebiine genus with two new species from Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Lebiini)

Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Universitetskaya nab. 1, St. Petersburg 199034, Russia.
Department of Entomology, Naturalis Biodiversity Centre, NL 2300 RA Leiden, Netherlands.
Coleoptera ground beetles Dromiusina new genus new species


The peculiar lebiine genus Disciferella gen. n. is described as a representative of the subtribe Dromiusina Bonelli, 1810. The genus is very distinct habitually and could be easily recognized among other lebiines already by its appearance. In combination of its distinctive features, it is most similar to the enigmatic monotypic genus Brachynopterus, but distinguished from it by several sufficient characters, including the shape of the gonocoxite which is very characteristic (elongate and slightly arcuate) in the latter genus and typical for Dromiusina (short and wide) in Disciferella gen. n. The new genus includes two newly described species: D. kabakovi sp. n. (type species) from Afghanistan and Pakistan, and D. psammophila sp. n. from south-eastern Iran. The very characteristic habitus of the two new species with their wide discoidal elytra is similar to that of some species of the genera Discoptera Semenov, 1889 and Graphipterus Latreille, 1802 living in sandy habitats. This resemblance suggests a similar specialized mode of life, most likely in sandy deserts and dunes. The systematic position of the new genus is discussed.



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