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Type: Article
Published: 2020-04-09
Page range: 259–269
Abstract views: 144
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Description of a new species resembling Paratrichius circularis Ma, 1990 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae) from China

1Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic, Žďárské vrchy PLA Administration, Brněnská 39, 59101 Žďár nad Sázavou, Czech Republic.
2Engineering Research Center for Forest and Grassland Disaster Prevention and Reduction, Mianyang Normal University, 166 Mianxing West Road, Mianyang, Sichuan 621000, P. R. China.
Engineering Research Center for Forest and Grassland Disaster Prevention and Reduction, Mianyang Normal University, 166 Mianxing West Road, Mianyang, Sichuan 621000, P. R. China.
Coleoptera Lamellicornia Trichiini Paratrichius Asia Oriental Region


Supplementary description and new distributional records are presented for the rare Chinese species Paratrichius circularis Ma, 1990, and a resembling species, Paratrichius tesari Mückstein, Xu & Qiu, new species, is described from Guizhou, China. Habitus, diagnostic characters and ecological notes are illustrated for both species.



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