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Type: Correspondence
Published: 2020-04-09
Page range: 294–300
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Nomenclatural status and possible identity of Aperioptus pictorius (Teleostei: Gonorynchidae [?] and Cobitidae)

Rue des Rauraques 6, 2800 Delémont, Switzerland (permanent address); and Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum, National University of Singapore, 2 Conservatory Drive, Singapore 117377.
Pisces Teleostei Aperioptus Acanthopsoides Gonorynchus invalid neotype Richardson Samarang


Richardson (1848) described Aperioptus pictorius based on two syntypes from “Borneo”. The description is based partly on a drawing of the whole fish and a close-up of its mouth parts (Fig. 1b). Richardson explained that at the time of writing the description, he no longer had access to the specimens: he had given them to the artist, after having examined them cursorily. After having made the first sketch, the artist placed them in water to have the fins expanded, then forgot about them when he threw out the water, and they were lost. The whole description reads: “The general aspect of the fish is that of a slender Galaxias, but there are no teeth on the jaws. The orifice of the mouth is a narrow vertical oval, which is restricted on the sides by membranous processes. The figure is of the natural size [about 65 mm SL]. Hab. Borneo”. He also indicated:



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