Lectotypes and paralectotypes of Aclees taiwanensis Kȏno, 1933 and A. hirayamai Kȏno, 1933 are designated and illustrated. The holotype of A. saipanensis Kȏno, 1942 is illustrated.
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Ciampolini, M., Regalin, R. & Perrin, H. (2005) Aclees cribratus, nuovo per l’Italia, nocivo al fico allevato in vivaio. L’Informatore Agrario, 47, 69–71.
Kôno, H. (1933) Die Hylobiinen aus Formosa. Insecta Matsumurana, 7 (4), 182–189.
Kôno, H. (1942) Die Russelkafer auf den Micronesien. Insecta Matsumurana, 16 (1–2), 13–21.
Morimoto, K. (1982) The Family Curculionidae of Japan. I. Subfamily Hylobiinae. Esakia, 19, 51–121.
Perrin, H. (1997) Récoltes accidentelles de Curculionidae tropicaux en France métropolitaine (Coleoptera). L’Entomologiste, 53 (4), 155–158.