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Type: Article
Published: 2020-05-15
Page range: 509–520
Abstract views: 244
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A review of the species of Anaspis (s. str.) similar to A. nigripes Brisout and A. apfelbecki Schilsky, with the description of three new species (Coleoptera: Scraptiidae)

c.o. Department of Natural Sciences, National Museum Wales, Cathays Park, Cardiff, CF10 3NP, U.K.
Coleoptera biodiversity China Lebanon Palaearctic taxonomy Tenebrionoidea


Three new species are described: A. cooteri sp. n. (from China), A. curva sp. n. (from China), A. bertrami sp. n. (from Lebanon). A dichotomous key is provided to distinguish the new species from their most similar known species, namely: A. apfelbecki Schilsky, A. emarginata Schilsky, A. graeca Schilsky, A. koenigi Schilsky, A. marseuli Csiki, A. mongolica Ermisch, A. nigripes Brisout de Barneville.



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