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Type: Article
Published: 2020-05-20
Page range: 419–437
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The identity of Chelodina oblonga Gray 1841 (Testudines: Chelidae) reassessed

Sydney School of Veterinary Science, B01, University of Sydney, NSW 2006 Australia Australian Museum Research Institute, Australian Museum, 1 William St, Sydney, NSW 2010, Australia
Chelonian Research Institute, 402 South Central Avenue, Oviedo, 32765, Florida, USA
Institute for Applied Ecology, University of Canberra, ACT 2601 Australia
Testudines Oblong turtle Chelodina rugosa Macrochelodina chelid freshwater turtle taxonomy


The identity of Chelodina oblonga has been unclear because it has been variously defined to include populations of snake-necked chelid turtle from the southwest of Western Australia, across northern Australia, Cape York and southern New Guinea in its broadest conception, from just the northern part of this range (northern Australia and New Guinea), or restricted to the southwest corner of Western Australia in its narrowest conception. Uncertainty over the identity of the type specimens has added to the confusion. In this paper, we review the historical data on the extent of the type series of Chelodina oblonga, and its potential provenance, and find evidence that resolves some of the inconsistencies in previous literature on the identification of the type. Our analysis casts doubt on the northern Australian provenance of the type material. Hence, we return the name C. oblonga to the south-western species, in accordance with the genetic evidence for the provenance of the type in the Natural History Museum, London, and the external morphology of the type series. We designate a lectotype for the species, and redefine the subgeneric names that apply to the Australasian genus Chelodina, providing a new subgeneric name for one lineage.



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    *The relative priority of the publications Gray (1856a) and Gray (1856b) requires comment. Both were nominally published in 1855, but this has been shown to be incorrect by Sclater (1893) and Webb (1995). Gray clearly intended Gray (1856b) to be the first description of his new species Chelodina colliei, and states in this that illustrations of the new species “will shortly be published” in the “Illustrated Catalogue of Tortoises in the Collection of the British Museum” [sic]. It is this paper that has generally been cited as the authority for the species. Gray’s paper was read at the meeting of the Zoological Society of 13 November 1855, but not printed until January 1856 (Sclater 1893; the page on which the description of C. colliei appeared was printed on 22 January), while Gray’s (1856a) monograph was issued on 8 March (Webb 1995). While Webb (1995) considers this evidence that the earlier published description was that by Gray (1856b), it is still not clear what the date of issue of that description was. It was presumably not issued on the day of printing. The extent of the type series will be affected by the relative priority of these two publications, as Gray (1856b) only mentions two stuffed and mounted adult specimens, but Gray (1856a) lists these, plus a third hatchling in spirits. Both publications include sufficient description to validate the name C. colliei. We treat the paper here listed as Gray (1856b) as the type description.

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