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Type: Article
Published: 2020-05-25
Page range: 291–306
Abstract views: 175
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Myopa nebulosa sp. nov. and Myopa bozinovici sp. nov. (Diptera: Conopidae): New thick-headed flies from a threatened biodiversity hotspot in central Chile

Departamento de Ciencias Biológicas y Biodiversidad, Universidad de Los Lagos, Av. Fuschlöcher 1305, Osorno, Chile Citizen Science Program Moscas Florícolas de Chile, pje Arizona 4067A, Recoleta, Santiago
Citizen Science Program Moscas Florícolas de Chile, pje Arizona 4067A, Recoleta, Santiago Center of Applied Ecology and Sustainability (CAPES), Departamento de Ecología, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, casilla 114-D, Santiago, 8331150, Chile
Diptera Citizen Science Endoparasitoids Sclerophyllous forest Myopa metallica


Diptera is one of the most speciose groups within Insecta, but there are deep gaps in knowledge of the South American faunas. Conopidae, also known as thick-headed flies, inhabit many habitats around the world, and are particularly diverse in the Neotropical region. Despite this, southern South American species of this group are poorly known and many genera are under-represented in museum collections. Only four Neotropical species of Myopa are known, three from Mexico and one from Chile. In this study we describe two new species: Myopa nebulosa sp. nov. distributed from northern Chile to the Maule region of central Chile, and Myopa bozinovici sp. nov. from Mediterranean ecosystems of central Chile. We also re-describe the conspicuous species Myopa metallica Camras and provide an updated key to all Neotropical species of this genus. The natural history of these species is unknown. Myopa species are not abundant and their habitats may be threatened by land change use.



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