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Type: Article
Published: 2020-06-03
Page range: 431–436
Abstract views: 108
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A literature revision of Pararhyacodrilus Snimščikova, 1986, with the erection of a new genus, Semernodrilus gen. nov. (Oligochaeta, Tubificidae, Rhyacodrilinae)

Estonian University of Life Sciences, Centre for Limnology, 61117 Rannu, Tartumaa, Estonia.
Annelida Oligochaeta Rhyacodrilinae taxonomy Pararhyacodrilus Semernodrilus


The aquatic oligochaete genus Pararhyacodrilus Snimščikova, 1986 included four species, P. aspersus Snimščikova, 1986, the type species, P. palustris (Ditlevsen, 1904), P. ekmani (Piguet, 1928), and P. confusus Semernoy, 2004. Rhyacodrilus palustris (Ditlevsen, 1904) and R. ekmani var. profundalis Lastočkin, 1937, have been associated with Pararhyacodrilus, as a result of different nomenclature-related confusions. A new taxon, Semernodrilus gen. nov., is erected for the Baikalian Pararhyacodrilus confusus Semernoy, 2004. As a result, Pararhyacodrilus includes two species, P. aspersus and P. ekmani.



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