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Type: Article
Published: 2020-06-04
Page range: 546–554
Abstract views: 149
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Two new species of the genus Psorosa Zeller, 1846 (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae, Phycitinae) from South Kazakhstan

Mechnikova 3–1–30, 195271, St. Petersburg, Russia.
Lepidoptera Pyraloidea Psorosa new taxa Palaearctic region


Psorosa desaturata sp. nov. and Psorosa pseudoelbursella sp. nov. are described from Karatau Mts. in South Kazakhstan. Male and female genitalia of the species as well as the habitus of the imagines are illustrated. Psorosa desaturata sp. nov. is similar to Psorosa nucleolella (Möschler, 1866) and Psorosa mediterranella Amsel, 1954. Psorosa pseudoelbursella sp. nov. belongs to the Psorosa maraschella Caradja, 1910 species group.



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