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Type: Article
Published: 2020-06-04
Page range: 565–573
Abstract views: 257
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A new species of the codlet genus Bregmaceros from the western Pacific Ocean (Gadiformes: Bregmacerotidae)

National Museum of Marine Biology & Aquarium, Pingtung, Taiwan Institute of Marine Biology, National Dong Hwa University, Pingtung, Taiwan
Laboratory of Marine Biology, Department of Biological Science, Faculty of Science and Technology, Kochi University, Kochi, Japan
Department and Graduate Institute of Aquaculture, National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Pisces Actinopterygii Paracanthopterygii taxonomy ichthyology Japan Melanesia


Bregmaceros retrodorsalis sp. nov., a new codlet species is described based on specimens from shallow to deep waters off Japan and Melanesia. It differs from all congeners by having the origin of second dorsal-fin well posterior, above bases of 5th to 7th anal-fin rays and combination of the following characters: a pointed snout distinctly longer than eye diameter; upper lobe of opercle branched distally; body relatively slender, its depth 10.0‒13.0% SL; 13 principal caudal-fin rays (middle 11 branched); 52‒57 second dorsal-fin rays; 58‒63 anal-fin rays; 16‒18 transverse scale rows below dorsal-fin origin; 86‒93 longitudinal scale rows along body axis; vertebrae 55‒58; entire body evenly covered with melanophores, those on lateral sides forming regular longitudinal rows, one melanophores per scale; head and isthmus entirely, but loosely, covered with variably sized melanophores.



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