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Type: Monograph
Published: 2020-06-05
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Catalog of the Biting Midges of the World (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae)

Research Associate of the American Museum of Natural History, 691-8th Ave. SE, Salmon Arm, British Columbia, V1E 2C2, Canada.
Norges arktiske universitetsmuseum og akademi for kunstfag, UiT Norges Arktiske Universitet, NO-9037 Tromsø, Norway.
Diptera species list taxonomy no-see-ums distribution fossil Culicoides rate of description new names new combinations


A list of all valid 6,206 extant and 296 fossil species of Ceratopogonidae described worldwide is provided, along with all their synonyms. A full citation and the country of origin of the type is given, with some larger countries also providing a more specific state or province. For the first time, worldwide, nomina dubia are identified. Numbers of species of each genus and subgenus are listed. Within subfamilies and tribes, genera are listed alphabetically. Five species have newly recognized authors, four have new names and 28 new combinations are recognized, with these listed in a table. A commentary on the state of the systematics in the family and particularly of Culicoides Latreille is given. The museums of the world are listed with the types of various authors of Ceratopogonidae species indicated. Authors providing regional catalogs, as well as summation of various collections are tabulated. The rate of description since 1758 indicates a steady progression of description, with, for example, 1,231 valid species described since the compilation of the world species by Borkent & Wirth (1997), till the end of 2018. The diversity in each Region is compared and the numbers of species shared between adjacent Regions presented.



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    Alwin-Kownacka, A., Szadziewski, R. & Szwedo, J. (2016b) Biting midges of the tribe Ceratopogonini (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) from the Middle East, with keys and descriptions of new species. Zootaxa, 4079 (5), 551–572.

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