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Type: Article
Published: 2020-06-09
Page range: 575–588
Abstract views: 162
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Four new species and one new subspecies of the Ghoria albocinerea Moore, 1878 species-group from northern Indochina and China (Lepidoptera, Erebidae, Arctiinae, Lithosiini)

Altai State University, Lenina Avenue, 61, RF-656049, Barnaul, Russia. 2National Research Tomsk State University, Lenina Avenue, 36, RF-634050, Tomsk, Russia.
Nature Research Centre, Akademijos str., 2, LT-08412, Vilnius-21, Lithuania.
Tiergartenstrasse 27, A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria.
Lepidoptera Erebidae Arctiinae Lithosiini


The Ghoria albocinerea Moore, 1878 species-group is established for a complex of species having the characteristic silver whitish forewing coloration and pattern presented mostly by a broad longitudinal shade along the anal wing margin. Four new species and one new subspecies of the species-group are described: Ghoria nanlingica dytiko ssp. n. (China: Sichuan), Ghoria dammay sp. n. (North Vietnam), Ghoria longivesica sp. n. (China: Yunnan and North Thailand), Ghoria mubupa sp. n. (China: Yunnan) and Ghoria synnefo sp. n. (North Vietnam). Adults, male and female genitalia of the new taxa and the related Ghoria albocinerea (the central and eastern Himalayas), Ghoria nanlingica Dubatolov, Kishida & Wang, 2012 (China: Guangdong) and Ghoria sinotibetica Dubatolov, Kishida & Wang, 2012 (China: Sichuan) are illustrated.



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