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Type: Article
Published: 2020-06-17
Page range: 115–141
Abstract views: 174
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Four new tri-forked species of the Australian genus Abantiades Herrich-Schäffer (Lepidoptera: Hepialidae) from the “dark obscura clade”

South Australian Museum, GPO Box 234, SA 5001, Adelaide, Australia
South Australian Museum, GPO Box 234, SA 5001, Adelaide, Australia
South Australian Museum, GPO Box 234, SA 5001, Adelaide, Australia
South Australian Museum, GPO Box 234, SA 5001, Adelaide, Australia University of South Australia, Clinical and Health Sciences, SA 5000, Australia
Lepidoptera Australia DNA barcodes morphology species divergence taxonomy


A distinct group of Abantiades Herrich-Schäffer species is here confirmed as a valid clade that we refer to as the “dark obscura clade” supported by morphological and mtDNA evidence. The clade is the sister group of A. obscura Simonsen of north-western Australia and comprises four new species: Abantiades centralia sp. nov., A. kayi sp. nov., A. zonatriticum sp. nov., and A. hutchinsoni sp. nov. These species together with A. obscura, are reciprocally allopatric and have a combined distribution spanning much of the western half of Australia and this distribution is consistent with their each differentiating locally from a widespread ancestor. The four new species raise the diversity of Abantiades to 42 species. [Zoobank]



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