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Type: Article
Published: 2020-06-22
Page range: 157–168
Abstract views: 137
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On the genera Issidius Puton and Morsina Melichar (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha: Fulgoroidea: Nogodinidae: Epacriini)

Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, 1 Universitetskaya Emb., Saint Petersburg 199034, Russia.
2Insect Taxonomy Research Department, Iranian Research Institute of Plant Protection, Agricultural Research, Education and Exten­sion Organization, P.O. Box 1454, Tehran 19395, Iran.
Hemiptera Hadjia Iranissus Issidius lectotype designation morphology new synonym new combination Morsina Nogodininae Philbyella Rileyopsis


Nogodinid genera Issidius Puton, 1898 and Morsina Melichar, 1902 are revised. Iranissus Dlabola, 1980 is placed in synonymy under Issidius Puton and Hadjia Dlabola, 1981, Philbyella China, 1938 and Rileyopsis Bergevin, 1917—under Morsina Melichar. Philbyella adeiba Badawy, El Hamouly et Sawaby, 2011 is placed in synonymy under Ph. elba Linnavuori, 1973. The lectotypes are designated for Issus rotundiceps Lethierry, 1887 and Morsina persica Melichar, 1902. The photos of type specimens of Morsina persica Melichar, 1902, Hadjia quadrifasciata Dlabola, 1981, and H. nerii Dlabola, 1981 are given.



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