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Type: Article
Published: 2020-06-23
Page range: 361–373
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Recent collections of sea spiders (Arthropoda: Pycnogonida) from China seas, with some new records and a checklist of the area

The Key Laboratory of Invertebrate Systematics and Application, College of Life Sciences, Hebei University, No.180 Wusidong Road, Baoding, China 071002 Third Institute of Oceanography, Ministry of Natural Resources, No.178 Daxue Road, Xiamen, China 361005 Fujian Provincial Station for Field Observation and Research of Island and Costal Zone in Zhangzhou, No. 3 North of Bihai Road, Xiamei Town, Zhangpu County, Zhangzhou, China 363214 Fujian Provincial Key Laboratory of Marine Ecological Conservation and Restoration, Xiamen, No.178 Daxue Road, China 361005
Third Institute of Oceanography, Ministry of Natural Resources, No.178 Daxue Road, Xiamen, China 361005 Fujian Provincial Station for Field Observation and Research of Island and Costal Zone in Zhangzhou, No. 3 North of Bihai Road, Xiamei Town, Zhangpu County, Zhangzhou, China 363214 Fisheries College of Jimei University, No. 43 Yindou Road, Xiamen, China 361021
Third Institute of Oceanography, Ministry of Natural Resources, No.178 Daxue Road, Xiamen, China 361005
Third Institute of Oceanography, Ministry of Natural Resources, No.178 Daxue Road, Xiamen, China 361005 Fujian Provincial Station for Field Observation and Research of Island and Costal Zone in Zhangzhou, No. 3 North of Bihai Road, Xiamei Town, Zhangpu County, Zhangzhou, China 363214 Fujian Provincial Key Laboratory of Marine Ecological Conservation and Restoration, Xiamen, No.178 Daxue Road, China 361005
Key Laboratory of Marine Ecosystem and Biogeochemistry, State Oceanic Administration, No.36 Baochu North Road, Hangzhou, China 310012 Second Institute of Oceanography, Ministry of Natural Resources, No.36 Baochu North Road, Hangzhou, China 310012
Third Institute of Oceanography, Ministry of Natural Resources, No.178 Daxue Road, Xiamen, China 361005
Third Institute of Oceanography, Ministry of Natural Resources, No.178 Daxue Road, Xiamen, China 361005
The Key Laboratory of Invertebrate Systematics and Application, College of Life Sciences, Hebei University, No.180 Wusidong Road, Baoding, China 071002
Arthropoda China seas Anoplodactylus eroticus pycnogonids


Though research about sea spiders limited in China seas, a complete checklist has not yet exist so far. After checking recent collections obtained from Shandong, Zhejiang, Fujian and the East China Sea, all these sixty-eight specimens were identified as six species belonged to four families and five genera, including three ones new to China. We described and illustrated them in this study, and also revised all previous records about Chinese pycnogonids and provided a checklist for the presently known forty-one species.



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