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Type: Correspondence
Published: 2020-06-23
Page range: 395–400
Abstract views: 128
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Response to the comments regarding “The marine teleost fishes of the Sea of Marmara; an updated and annotated checklist” by Artüz & Fricke (2019)

Sevinç-Erdal İnönü Foundation, MAREM (Marmara Environmental Monitoring) Project, Department of Marine Sciences, Anadoluhisarı Toplarönü No: 8, 34810, Istanbul, Turkey
Im Ramstal 76, 97922 Lauda-Königshofen, Germany.


Our recent paper Artüz & Fricke (2019) provided an updated list of marine teleost fishes of the Sea of Marmara. Bilecenoglu argues that our paper includes mistranslations of some previous research, misinterpretation and incomplete examination of certain published biodiversity data related to the Sea of Marmara (Bilecenoglu 2020). We answer his comments below.



  1. Artüz, M.L. & Fricke, R. (2019) The marine teleost fishes of the Sea of Marmara; an updated and annotated checklist. Zootaxa, 4565 (4), 545–565.

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