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Type: Article
Published: 2020-06-24
Page range: 401–439
Abstract views: 245
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Two new species of burrowing crayfish in the genus Lacunicambarus (Decapoda: Cambaridae) from Alabama and Mississippi

The Ohio State University Museum of Biological Diversity, Columbus, Ohio 43212.
USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station, Center for Bottomland Hardwoods Research, Oxford, Mississippi 38655.
West Liberty University Department of Biological Sciences, West Liberty, West Virginia 26074.
West Liberty University Department of Biological Sciences, West Liberty, West Virginia 26074.
Illinois Natural History Survey, Prairie Research Institute, Champaign, Illinois, 61820.
224 Primrose Circle, Richmond, Kentucky 40475.
Crustacea miltus ludovicianus mobilensis freudensteini painted devil crayfish rusty lonesome gravedigger banded mudbug taxonomy systematics


While sampling for the Rusty Gravedigger, Lacunicambarus miltus, Taylor et al. (2011) found one or more potentially undescribed burrowing crayfish species in the genus Lacunicambarus inhabiting the area between the Pascagoula River and Mobile Bay in southern Alabama and Mississippi. Molecular analyses by Glon et al. (2018) confirmed that samples from this area were genetically distinct from other Lacunicambarus crayfishes. These findings prompted a dedicated sampling trip in January 2020. We used morphological and molecular analyses to investigate the specimens we collected and, based on our results, we describe two new crayfish species: the Lonesome Gravedigger, L. mobilensis sp. nov. and the Banded Mudbug, L. freudensteini sp. nov. Lacunicambarus mobilensis sp. nov. is sister to the Rusty Gravedigger, L. miltus, while L. freudensteini sp. nov. is sister to the Painted Devil Crayfish, L. ludovicianus. Both new species are currently known from a small number of sites in southern Alabama and Mississippi and may require conservation attention. In addition, we provide an updated key to Lacunicambarus crayfishes that includes these new species.



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