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Type: Article
Published: 2020-07-28
Page range: 201–230
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The Panchaetothripinae (Thysanoptera, Thripidae) of Brazil, with one new Caliothrips species

Universidade Federal do Piauí, Campus Amílcar Ferreira Sobral, Coleção de História Natural da UFPI. BR 343, Km 3.5. Floriano, PI, Brazil. 64808-605.
United States Department of Agriculture, Animal, Plant, Health Inspection Services, Plant Protection Quarantine, Plant Health Programs, National Identification Services. 10300 Baltimore Avenue, Beltlsville, MD, USA. 20705
Instituto Federal do Sudeste de Minas Gerais, Campus de Barbacena. Rua Monsenhor José Augusto, 204. Barbacena, MG, Brazil. 36205-018
Pests Bradinothrips Hoodothrips Elixothrips Parthenothrips Thysanoptera


The subfamily Panchaetothripinae has been consistently recovered as a monophyletic group within Thripidae, comprising 144 species in 43 genera. Usually associated with plant leaves, 21 species from 12 genera have previously been recorded in Brazil, several being pests of a wide range of cultivated plants. Here we record four species as new to Brazil, Bradinothrips williamsi, Caliothrips nanus, C. punctipennis and Parthenothrips dracaenae. Moreover, Caliothrips cangaceiro sp. n. is described, Hoodothripiella ignacio is considered a new synonym of Elixothrips brevisetis, and Caliothrips marginipennis is a new synonym of C. punctipennis. Furthermore, the previously unknown males of B. williamsi and Hoodothrips constrictus are described. Caliothrips fasciatus is withdrawn from the Brazilian Thysanoptera list of species. Illustrated keys to adults of species recorded in Brazil are provided, together with notes on biology and brief descriptions. Parthenothrips kobusi Deventer, known only from Java, is not a member of the Panchaetothripinae and is reclassified as Bolacothrips kobusi (Deventer) comb. n.


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