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Type: Article
Published: 2020-07-28
Page range: 366–372
Abstract views: 161
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Two new species of Anastrepha (Diptera: Tephritidae) from Ecuador

Laboratorio de Entomología Loja, AGROCALIDAD, Dirección Distrital 17 Tipo B Zona 7, Avenida Turunuma y Cadiz, 110104 Loja, Ecuador.
Systematic Entomology Lab., USDA, ARS, c/o Smithsonian Institution, P.O. Box 37012, MRC 168, Washington, DC 20013-7012, USA.
Laboratorio de Entomología, AGROCALIDAD, Dirección General de Laboratorios, Avenida Interoceánica km141/2 y Eloy Alfaro, Granja del MAG, Quito, Ecuador.
fruit flies Trypetinae taxonomy Neotropical Region Diptera


Despite the fact that many species are economically important agricultural pests, the fruit fly fauna of Ecuador is still relatively poorly known. To better understand this fauna and the distribution and host plants of the pest species, the Proyecto Nacional de Manejo de las Moscas de la Fruta of AGROCALIDAD has conducted trapping surveys in many parts of the country. Two new species of Anastrepha from Ecuador that were collected by this project are described and illustrated: A. quadripuncta Troya & Norrbom and A. tinctobasis Troya & Norrbom. A new species group, the morvasi group, is recognized for A. morvasi Zucchi and A. quadripuncta.


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