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Type: Article
Published: 2020-07-29
Page range: 401–437
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Review of Oculogaster Kluge 2016 (Ephemeroptera, Baetidae, Procloeon Bengtsson 1915)

Department of Entomology, Saint Petersburg State University, Universitetskaya nab., 7/9, Saint Petersburg, 199034, Russia.
mayflies systematics viviparity South Africa Tanzania Sri Lanka India Thailand Sulawesi Philippines new species Ephemeroptera


The subgenus Oculogaster Kluge 2016 is divided into two species groups: the «African group» includes Procloeon (Oculogaster) cylindroculum Kimmins 1956, P. (O.) barnardi sp. n., P. (O.) niger sp. n., unnamed species P. (O.) sp. «Wolfkloof» and presumably P. (O.) silvicola Gillies 1997; the «Asian group» includes P. (O.) album Kluge 2016, P. (O.) regularum Müller-Liebenau & Hubbard 1985, P. (O.) malabarensis sp. n., presumably Procloeon julia (Gillies 1949) comb. n. and unnamed species P. sp. «Thailand-3», P. sp. «Sulawesi» and P. sp. «Philippines». New South African species P. (O.) barnardi sp. n. and P. (O.) niger sp. n. are described from South Africa based on larvae, subimagines and imagines of both sexes associated by rearing; among them, P. (O.) barnardi sp. n. was formerly described by Barnard (1932) under the name «Austrocloeon africanum», being wrongly regarded to be the species originally described as Cloeon africanum Esben-Petersen 1913. Characters of larva and female subimago of another South African species, P. (O.) sp. «Wolfkloof» are described based on a single specimen. Two closely related species, P. (O.) regularum Müller-Liebenau & Hubbard 1985 from Sri Lanka and P. (O.) malabarensis sp. n. from India are described based on larvae, subimagines and imagines of both sexes associated by rearing; these two species have 2 (rarely 1 or 3) cross veins in pterostigma, in contrast to other species of Oculogaster which normally have one vein (rarely two veins). Procloeon julia is presumptively placed in Oculogaster based on the presence of one vein in pterostigma. Unnamed species P. sp. «Thailand-3», P. sp. «Sulawesi» and P. sp. «Philippines» are presumably placed in Oculogaster; each is briefly described based on a single larva.


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