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Type: Article
Published: 2020-08-03
Page range: 435–461
Abstract views: 205
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Thirteen new species of genera Dichomeris Hübner, 1818 and Helcystogramma Zeller, 1877 (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae, Dichomeridinae) with twenty-one newly recorded species from Vietnam

BioResource and Environmental Center, Division of Life Sciences, Incheon National University, Incheon, 22012 Korea
BioResource and Environmental Center, Division of Life Sciences, Incheon National University, Incheon, 22012 Korea
College of Life Sciences, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, P. R. China
College of Life Sciences, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, P. R. China
Taxonomy Dichomeris Helcystogramma new taxa new record China Vietnam Lepidoptera


Twelve new species of the genus Dichomeris Hübner, 1818 and one new species of the genus Helcystogramma Zeller, 1877 of the subfamily Dichomeridinae of Gelechiidae are described from Vietnam, in combination with Chinese specimens. The new species are D. fascialobella Park & Li, sp. nov., D. flavimaculata Park & Li, sp. nov., D. infundibularis Park & Li, sp. nov., D. lancea Park & Li, sp. nov., D. longivalvata Park & Li, sp. nov., D. marginalis Park & Li, sp. nov., D. myriaodontosa Park & Li, sp. nov., D. ochriella Park & Li, sp. nov., D. quadratella Park & Li, sp. nov., D. sclerospinula Park & Li, sp. nov., D. spinosella Park & Li, sp. nov., D. unilobata Park & Li, sp. nov., and Helcystogramma albimacularis Park & Li, sp. nov. In addition, eighteen Dichomeris species and three Helcystogramma species are reported for the first time from Vietnam, and of these, four previously unknown female are firstly found and described: Dichomeris parvisexafurca Li, Zhen & Kendrick, 2010, Dichomeris argentenigera Li, Zhen & Kendrick, 2010, Dichomeris splendiptera Li & Park, 2017 and Dichomeris parallelosa Park & Ponomarenko, 1998. Images of adults and genitalia for the new species and newly reported species including the firstly described females are provided.


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