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Type: Correspondence
Published: 2020-08-05
Page range: 300–300
Abstract views: 236
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New substitute name Attenboroughctena nom. nov. for the genus Ceroctena Carré & Carré, 1991 (Ctenophora: Cydippida: Pleurobrachiidae)

Zoology, “La Specola”, Natural History Museum, University of Florence, Via Romana 17, I-50125 Florence, Italy.
Zoology, “La Specola”, Natural History Museum, University of Florence, Via Romana 17, I-50125 Florence, Italy. Research Institute on Terrestrial Ecosystems, CNR—National Research Council of Italy, Via Madonna del Piano 10, I-50019 Sesto Fiorentino (Florence), Italy
Coelenterata nomen novum replacement name Lepidoptera Noctuidae


Attenboroughctena Ceccolini & Cianferoni nom. nov. is established as the new name for the genus Ceroctena Carré & Carré, 1991 (Ctenophora: Cydippida: Pleurobrachiidae), preoccupied by Ceroctena Guenée, 1852 (Insecta: Lepidoptera: Noctuidae).



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