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Type: Article
Published: 2020-08-06
Page range: 334–360
Abstract views: 120
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Himaloconnus Franz and Nogunius gen. n. of Japan (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Scydmaeninae)

Museum of Natural History, University of Wrocław, Sienkiewicza 21, 50-335 Wrocław, Poland.
Coleoptera Stenichnini taxonomy new species East Palaearctic


Two genera of Euconnus-like Stenichnini are reported to occur in Japan: Himaloconnus Franz, 1979 and Nogunius gen. n. Specimens of Himaloconnus collected on islands of the Ryukyu archipelago are identified as H. klapperichianus (Franz), previously known to inhabit Taiwan, but morphological differences were found among disjunctive populations and in consequence three new subspecies are proposed: H. klapperichianus yaeyamanus ssp. n. (Yaeyama Islands), H. klapperichianus amamianus ssp. n. (Amami-Ôshima), and H. klapperichianus okinawanus ssp. n. (Okinawa Island). Morphological structures of Japanese Himaloconnus are illustrated in detail and the diagnosis of this genus is emended, to exclude variable characters. Nogunius gen. n. is established to accommodate four species known only from Japan: N. sokani sp. n. (Okinawa Island), N. aogashimanus sp. n. (Aogashima, Izu Islands), N. kerri sp. n. (Ishigaki Island), and N. fukuuzanus sp. n. (Okinawa Island). Identification key to Japanese genera of Stenichnini is updated.



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