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Type: Article
Published: 2020-08-14
Page range: 455–502
Abstract views: 162
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Studies on the related Neotropical genera Acrogymnia Malaise and Dacrogymnia, n. gen. (Hymenoptera: Argidae)

Systematic Entomology Laboratory, Agricultural Research Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture, c/o National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, P.O. Box 37012, MRC 168, Washington, D.C. 20013-7012, U.S.A.
Natural History Museum of Denmark, SCIENCE, University of Copenhagen, Universitetsparken 15, DK-2100, Denmark, and Museo Entomológico UNAB, Grupo Sistemática de Insectos Agronomía SIA, Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Cra. 30 #45-03, Bogotá, Colombia
Hymenoptera sawflies Symphyta Central America South America Sterictiphorinae


Twenty species of Acrogymnia Malaise and five species of Dacrogymnia Smith & Malagón-Aldana, n. gen., both exclusively Neotropical genera, are treated. Acrogymnia occurs from Costa Rica south to Bolivia and southeastern Brazil and Dacrogymnia from southern Colombia to Argentina. The following species are included: Acrogymnia alagoas Smith, n. sp., A. blanki Smith, n. sp., A. brevis Smith, n. sp., A. chapada Smith, n. sp., A. clypea Smith, n. sp., A coxalis (Konow, 1906), A. deulufeuti Smith, n. sp., A. diamantinensis Malaise, 1955, A. fascia Smith, n. sp., A. krylita Smith, n. sp., A. listoni Smith, n. sp., A. lopesi Malaise, 1949, A. palama Smith, 1992, A. pauxilla (Konow, 1906), A. pereirai Smith & Malagón-Aldana, n. sp., A. pulla Smith, n. sp., A. pusilla (Malaise, 1937), A. rufina Malaise,1949, A. scutimacula Malaise, 1941, A. transtillata (Konow, 1906), Dacrogymnia acella (Smith, 1992), n. comb., D. imbogea (Smith,1981), n. comb., D. australis Smith, n. sp., D. fernandezi Smith & Malagón-Aldana, n. sp., and D. taegeri Smith, n. sp. An identification key for species is provided; however, association of sexes in Acrogymnia is still uncertain for several species.



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