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Type: Correspondence
Published: 2020-09-02
Page range: 288–292
Abstract views: 140
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Epimecia tekes, a new species from south-eastern Kazakhstan (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae, Oncocnemidinae)

H-2045 Törökbálint, Árpád u. 53, Hungary.
H-2071, Páty, Május 1. utca 35, Hungary.
Altai State University, Lenina Avenue, 61, RF-656049, Barnaul, Russia. National Research Tomsk State University, Lenina Avenue, 36, RF-634050, Tomsk, Russia.
Nature Research Centre, Akademijos str., 2, LT-08412, Vilnius-21, Lithuania.
Lepidoptera Noctuidae Oncocnemidinae


The Noctuidae fauna of Kazakhstan is species-rich and still poorly studied. During a lepidopterological expedition to Almaty Region in the south-eastern part of Kazakhstan, a single female of an unknown Noctuidae species belonging to the subfamily Oncocnemidinae was collected by the senior author of the present paper. The species resembles externally members of the genus Lophoterges Hampson, 1906, especially Lophoterges fatua (Püngeler, 1904), but examination of its genitalia structure revealed that the species is not only undescribed and remarkably different from all known Lophoterges species, but belongs to another genus, Epimecia Guenée, 1839. Up to date, the genus Epimecia was considered as monotypic (Ronkay & Ronkay 1995; Kononenko 2016) and included only Epimecia ustula (Freyer, 1835), which is widely but disjunctively distributed from south-eastern France through the southern Alps, the Balkans, Turkey, Ukraine, southern European part of Russia and western Kazakhstan to southern Ural, north-eastern Kazakhstan and southern Siberia (Ronkay & Ronkay 1995; Kononenko 2016; Titov et al. 2017). The second, peculiar Kazakhstan species of the genus is described below as new.



  1. Hampson, G.F. (1906) Catalogue of the Noctuidae in the collection of the British Museum. Catalogue of the Lepidoptera Phalaenae in the British Museum, 6, 1–532.

    Püngeler, R. (1904) Neue palaearctische Macrolepidopteren. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift Iris, 16, 286–301. [in German]

    Guenée, M. (1839) Essai sur la classification des Noctuélides. Annales de la Société entomologique de France, 8, 473–522. [in French]

    Ronkay, G. & Ronkay, L. (1995) Cuculliinae II. Noctuidae Europaeae. Vol. 7. Entomological Press, Sorø, 224 pp.

    Kononenko, V.S. (2016) Noctuidae: Cuculliinae—Noctuinae, part (Lepidoptera). Noctuoidea Sibiricae. Part 3. Proceedings of the Museum Witt Munich, 5, 1–500.

    Freyer, C.F. (1835) s.n. In: Neuere Beiträge zur Schmetterlingskunde mit Abbildungen nach der Natur. Vol. 2. C. Kollmann, Augsburg, pp. 83–114. [in German]

    Staudinger, O. & Rebel, H. (1901) Catalog der Lepidopteren des palaearctischen Faunengebietes. Friedländer & Sohn, Berlin, 412 pp. [in German]

    Titov, S.V., Volynkin, A.V., Dubatolov, V.V., Černila, M., Reznichenko, S.M. & Bychkov, V.S. (2017) Noctuoid moths (Lepidoptera: Erebidae, Nolidae, Noctuidae) of North-East Kazakhstan (Pavlodar Region). Ukrainian Journal of Ecology, 7 (2), 142–164.

    Ronkay, L. (2005) Revision of the genus Lophoterges Hampson, 1906 (s. l.) (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae, Cuculliinae). Part II. The genus Lophoterges s. str. Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 51 (1), 1–57.