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Type: Article
Published: 2020-09-09
Page range: 189–197
Abstract views: 222
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Taxonomic notes on Alpheus inopinatus Holthuis & Gottlieb, 1958 and Alpheus cf. lobidens De Haan, 1849 from Kuwait (Malacostraca: Decapoda: Alpheidae)

Universidade Federal de Goiás, Campus Samambaia, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas—ICB-5. Av. Esperança, s/n., 74690-900, Goiânia, Goiás, Brazil.
Ecosystem-Based Management of Marine Resources, Environment and Life Sciences Research Center, Kuwait Institute of Scientific Research, Hamad Al-Mubarak Street, Building 900004, Area 1, Raas Salmiya, Kuwait.
Oxford University Museum of Natural History, Parks Road, Oxford, Ox1 3PW, United Kingdom
Crustacea Alpheus Alpheidae snapping shrimp Indian Ocean Arabian-Persian Gulf


The status of the common intertidal snapping shrimp, Alpheus inopinatus Holthuis & Gottlieb, 1958, is discussed based on newly collected material from Kuwait. Alpheus inopinatus was previously confused with morphologically very similar species in the Alpheus lobidens De Haan, 1849 species complex, formerly identified as A. crassimanus Heller, 1862 and herein tentatively referred to as A. cf. lobidens. The material herein examined strongly supports the validity of A. inopinatus based on several morphological characters, as well as differences in the colour pattern, compared to other members of the A. lobidens complex.



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