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Type: Article
Published: 2020-09-11
Page range: 522–534
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A revision of the Anthaxia (Haplanthaxia) dispar Kerremans species-group (Coleoptera: Buprestidae: Anthaxiini)

Czech University of Life Sciences, Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences, Department of Game Management and Wildlife Biology, Kamýcká 1176, Praha 6-Suchdol, 165 21 Czech Republic.
Coleoptera Afrotropical Jewel Beetles


The taxonomic revision of the Anthaxia (Haplanthaxia) dispar Kerremans, 1898 species-group. Definition of the species-group and descriptions of three new species: Anthaxia (Haplanthaxia) aethiopica sp. nov. (Ethiopia), A. (H.) caerulea sp. nov. (Democratic Republic of the Congo) and A. (H.) occidentalis sp. nov. (Benin, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Togo). New species are described, illustrated and compared with other species of the species-group. Anthaxia (H.) komareki Obenberger, 1931 is removed from the synonymy of A. (H.) pilifrons Kerremans, 1898 and it is treated as a separate species. New synonymy is suggested: A. (H.) dispar Kerremans, 1898 = A. (H.) hyperlasia Obenberger, 1928, syn. nov. All species are keyed and the questionable taxonomic position of A. (H.) vulpes Théry, 1930 is briefly discussed.



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