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Type: Article
Published: 2020-10-05
Page range: 56–80
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On the identity of Trochosa hispanica (Araneae, Lycosidae), with notes on the synonymy of West Palaearctic “Trochosa” species

Institute for Biological Problems of the North RAS, Portovaya Str. 18, Magadan 685000, Russia. Department of Zoology & Entomology, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein 9300, South Africa Zoological Museum, Biodiversity Unit, FI-20014 University of Turku, Finland
A. O. Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas of RAS, Nakhimov Avenue 2, Sevastopol 299011.
Araneae Mediterranean Alopecosa Arctosa Geolycosa Hogna Pardosa new synonym new combination new name


Specimens belonging to Trochosa hispanica Simon, 1870 collected in different parts of the range were compared to determine whether they belong to the same species or represent a series of cryptic species. No significant differences were found between different populations. Most of the females examined have a kind of mating plug blocking the pathway of embolus, but not the copulatory openings like in other spiders. A character previously unknown in the Lycosidae, a row of glabrous cuticular spots on male tibia I, is documented. The holotype female of Trochosa adjacens O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1885 from SW Xinjiang is illustrated for the first time. Three species described in three different genera in the same paper are synonymized with Trochosa hispanica: Arctosa nava Roewer, 1955 syn. n., Geolycosa flavichelis Roewer, 1955 syn. n., and Loculla austrocaspia Roewer, 1955 syn. n. Two species treated in Trochosa C.L. Koch, 1847 and Trochosula Roewer, 1960 are synonymized with Arctosa tbilisiensis Mcheidze, 1946: Trochosa impercussa Roewer, 1955 syn. n. and Trochosula afghana Roewer, 1960 syn. n. Three species are synonymized with Hogna ferox (Lucas, 1838): Geolycosa altera Roewer, 1955 syn. n., Geolycosa atroscopulata Roewer, 1955 syn. n., and Lycorma nigrichelis Roewer, 1955 syn. n. Lycosa (Trochosa) ochracea L. Koch, 1856 syn. n. from Spain, a species known by two taxonomic entries, is synonymized with Trochosa ruricola (De Geer, 1778). Trochosa hungarica Herman, 1879, a species known from a single publication, seems to belong to Geolycosa Montgomery, 1904 and is potentially a junior synonym of G. vultuosa (C.L. Koch, 1838). Pardosa persica (Roewer, 1955) comb. n., originally described in Dingosa Roewer, 1955, is transferred from Trochosa to Pardosa and belongs to the nebulosa-group. A new secondary homonym, Pardosa persica Marusik, Ballarin & Omelko, 2012, hom. n. is replaced with Pardosa persiana nom. n. in the monticola-group. Four species of Trochosa from Northern Africa are transferred to Alopecosa and Arctosa: Alopecosa garamantica (Caporiacco, 1936) comb. n., Alopecosa werneri (Roewer, 1960) comb. n., Arctosa annulipes (L. Koch, 1875) comb. n., and Arctosa tangerana (Roewer, 1960) comb. n. Trochosomma Roewer, 1960 syn. n. (type species Trochosa annulipes L. Koch, 1875) is removed from synonymy with Trochosa and synonymized with Arctosa C.L. Koch, 1847. Male lectotypes are designated for Arctosa nava Roewer, 1955, Geolycosa atroscopulata Roewer, 1955, and Trochosa rustica Thorell, 1875; female lectotype is designated for Geolycosa flavichelis Roewer, 1955.



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