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Type: Article
Published: 2020-10-19
Page range: 349–375
Abstract views: 201
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Genera and species of the Liothrips lineage (Thysanoptera, Phlaeothripinae) from Taiwan 

Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute, Wufeng, Taichung, 41362, Taiwan, ROC.
Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute, Wufeng, Taichung, 41362, Taiwan, ROC.
Thysanoptera Gynaikothrips Leeuwenia Liophloeothrips. Liothrips Psephenothrips


This paper lists from Taiwan 11 genera and 28 species of Thysanoptera of the Liothrips lineage. A key is provided to the 11 genera, and Psephenothrips baiheensis sp.n. and P. cymbidas sp.n. are described. A key to the 12 Liothrips species recorded from Taiwan is provided, with two new species, L. dayuilinensis sp.n. and L. hsuae sp.n. One new combination is presented, Liophloeothrips terminaliae (Moulton) comb.n., and Psephenothrips leptoceras Okajima from Japan is newly recorded from Taiwan.



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