The present study is based on material collected in the intertidal and shallow subtidal areas of two Islands in the Persian Gulf, Abu-Musa and Larak. The new species, Synalpheus pentaspinosus n. sp., is closely related to S. quinquedens Tattersall, 1921. These two species share a very characteristic, sixth pleonite armed posteriorly with five stout sharp teeth, a feature unique within the genus. The color of ovaries or freshly laid eggs, red-orange in S. pentaspinosus n. sp. vs. green in S. quinquedens, is the most obvious character, by which the new species may be distinguished from S. quinquedens in the field. In addition, the two species can be separated by two characters on the dactylus of the minor cheliped. In the new species, the dactylus is furnished with two prominent rows of setae, one dorsally and one mesially, and has a small concavity on the cutting edge, contrasting to only one mesial row of setae and no obvious concavity in S. quinquedens.
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