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Type: Article
Published: 2020-11-16
Page range: 401–411
Abstract views: 178
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Two new species of Cantharis Linnaeus, 1758 from Baltic amber

via del Tamburino 69, I-53040 Piazze (SI), Italy.
16405 Fox Valley Terrace, Rockville, Maryland 20853, USA.
Coleoptera Cantharidae soldier beetles Eocene paleoentomology new taxa male genitalia


Two new species of soldier beetles (Coleoptera, Cantharidae) from the Priabonian deposits in Yantarny, Russia (Baltic amber) are described. Cantharis crisantha sp. nov. is characterized by its relatively small body size, laterally rounded prothorax, and simple claws with a small basal tooth. Of particular interest, this specimen has its aedeagus extruded—a feature described for the first time in a representative of the genus Cantharis found in amber, and something rarely seen in all known fossil species of the Cantharidae family. The second described species, Cantharis raeorum sp. nov., is characterized by a pronotum with straight sides and a transverse and concave part near the posterior margin. The species are compared with earlier reported fossil Cantharis.


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