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Type: Article
Published: 2020-11-25
Page range: 189–206
Abstract views: 267
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Oxynoemacheilus marunensis, a new loach species from the Persian Gulf basin with remarks on O. frenatus (Teleostei: Nemacheilidae)

Ichthyology and Molecular Systematics Research Laboratory, Department of Biology, School of Science, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran.
Ichthyology and Molecular Systematics Research Laboratory, Department of Biology, School of Science, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran. Center for Hydrobiology and Aquatic Biotechnology, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran.
Pisces Freshwater fish Middle East Nemacheilid fish DNA barcoding


Oxynoemacheilus marunensis, new species, is described from the Marun, a tributary of the Jarrahi River, which flows just east of the Tigris River to the Persian Gulf. It belongs to a group of species (O. argyrogramma, O. euphraticus, O. hanae, O. karunensis, and O. kurdistanicus) having two bold, black, round, or comma-shaped black spots on the caudal-fin base. It is most similar to a newly described species from the Persian Gulf basin, O. karunensis, but distinguished from O. karunensis by having a longer distance between pelvic and anal-fin origins [22.3–23.8 vs. 19.5–22.3 (% SL)] and a K2P distance of 6% based on COI barcode region sequences.



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