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Type: Article
Published: 2020-11-27
Page range: 579–590
Abstract views: 143
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A new genus and three new species of South African Cicadettini (Hemiptera: Cicadidae: Cicadettinae)

Department of Biology, Barry University, 11300 NE Second Avenue, Miami Shores, FL 33161-6695, USA
Department of Zoology & Entomology, Rhodes University, Makhanda (Grahamstown), 6140 South Africa
Hemiptera New genus new species taxonomy


Ingcainyenzane irhiniensis n. gen., n. sp. and Ingcainyenzane nolukhanyoensis n. gen., n. sp. are described from Eastern Cape and Ingcainyenzane umgeniensis n. gen., n. sp. is described from KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Notes on its biology of the species and a key to species of the genus are also provided.



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