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Type: Article
Published: 2020-12-14
Page range: 37–66
Abstract views: 228
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Data on pyraloid moth specimens (Lepidoptera: Pyraloidea) held in the collections of CNHM in Zagreb, Croatia

Azuritweg 2, D-70619 Stuttgart, Germany.
Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Rooseveltov trg 6, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia.
Croatian Natural History Museum, Demetrova 1, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia.
Lepidoptera Crambidae Croatia Croatian Natural History Museum distribution fauna Pyralidae


Natural history museum collections can be a helpful tool in documenting changes in biodiversity throughout decades or even centuries. This article uncovers information on the content of three different museum collections, collected over 100 years. It deepens the knowledge on the distribution of pyraloid moth species occurring predominantly in the Continental parts of Croatia, but also in other areas of this country.

                The article presents the first published listing of pyraloid moth species held in three museum collections of the Croatian Natural History Museum in Zagreb. The list contains 148 taxa in total, 61 from the Igalffy collection, 96 from the Koča collection, and 96 from the Kučinić collection. Altogether, 96 species from the family Crambidae and 52 species from the family Pyralidae are listed.



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