A compilation of the ciliate (Ciliophora) species found on marine and fresh water bryozoans as epibionts has been carried out based on published records. The checklist includes the taxonomic position of each species of epibiontic ciliate, the species of basibiont bryozoans, localities and the bibliographic references. Altogether 40 ciliate species from classes Spirotrichea (two species); Suctorea (sixteen species); Oligohymenophorea, subclass Peritrichia (sixteen species) and Heterotrichea, family Folliculinidae (six species) were listed. Among registered species, six were reported on bryozoans only. Only one species of peritrich ciliate Ellobiophrya conviva adapted to inhabit on tentacles of bryozoans with special adhesive organelle (cinctum or adhesive ring) indicate a possible specific to bryozoan host.
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Chatterjee, T., Dovgal, I. & Fernandez-Leborans, G. (2019a) A checklist of suctorian epibiont ciliates (Ciliophora) found on meiobenthic marine nematodes. Journal of Natural History, 53(33-34), 2133–2143.
Chatterjee, T., Dovgal, I., Nanajkar, M. & Fernandes, V. (2019b) Report of epibiont ciliates (Ciliophora: Suctorea) on pelagic ostracods (Crustacea: Ostracoda) from the Arabian Sea. Zootaxa, 4695 (4), 378–384.
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Chatterjee, T., Dovgal, I. & Nanajkar, M. (2020b) Report of ciliate epibionts (Ciliophora, Suctorea) on meiobenthic invertebrates from Indian coast near Karwar, Karnataka. Protistology, 14 (2), 84–88.
Chatterjeee, T., Dovgal, I., Manzoni, L.V., Nanajkar, M. & Dutta, A. (2020c) Report of ciliate-bryozoan-crustacean hyperepibiosis on crab (Decapoda: Brachyura) from west coast of India, Arabian Sea. Zootaxa, 4890 (3), 347–360.
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